Steen Ledet Christianssen’s review of my book Bodily Engagements with Film, Images, and Technology: Somavision (Routledge, 2022) was published in The Journal of Somaesthetics. Some good critical points for me to consider! Read here.
Kazimir Kiefer interviewed me about kitsch for his On the Arts. The discussion ranged fromt he history of kitsch and kitsch research to the concept of tropical kitsch, which we coined with Anna-Sofia Sysser for our text (with the same title) in Contemporary Aesthetics. Read here!
Toivo Hurstin Taiteesta-podcastissa keskustelimme taiteen, median ja populaarikulttuurin ruumiillisuudesta – ja keskustelu löytyy tästä linkistä.
Interview in Art Communication and Pop Culture by Martin Boszorad
Petteri Enroth and Matti Tuomela interviewed me and Sini Mononen for the podcast of the Finnish Critics Association (SARV) about Research and Critique (Tutkimus ja kritiikki). Only in Finnish!
Find here (above) Pavel Zharadka’s critique for the Central European Journal of Aesthetics on mine and Jozef Kovalcik’s (eds) book Aesthetics of Popular Culture
Anders Härm: mängumasin – väike vorkpalliessee
Božena Gudalevič: Kas bendro tarp „Naujojo Baltijos šokio‘14“ ir Suomijos ledo ritulio lygos?