_Miscellaneous Media, Critique, Interviews and Discussion

Steen Ledet Christianssen’s review of my book Bodily Engagements with Film, Images, and Technology: Somavision (Routledge, 2022) was published in The Journal of Somaesthetics. Some good critical points for me to consider! Read here.

Kazimir Kiefer interviewed me about kitsch for his On the Arts. The discussion ranged fromt he history of kitsch and kitsch research to the concept of tropical kitsch, which we coined with Anna-Sofia Sysser for our text (with the same title) in Contemporary Aesthetics. Read here!

Toivo Hurstin Taiteesta-podcastissa keskustelimme taiteen, median ja populaarikulttuurin ruumiillisuudesta – ja keskustelu löytyy tästä linkistä.

Juhan Hellerma wrote 21.1.2022 for the Estonian Public Broadcasting company (and broadcasted some stuff too) on mine and Eret Talviste’s upcoming article for The Journal of Baltic Studies on the major role of kitschy music – we like/respect kitsch, I feel important to say! – in the Estonian independence fight. The article is called “Looking for a Place That Does Not Exist: The Political Importance of Kitsch in the Estonian Singing Revolution”, and it will be out early 2022. Link here.

Visiting Mike Watson’s Frankfurt School today podcast (part 3). Don’t miss the previous episodes with Martin Jay (part 1) and Douglas Kellner (part 2).

Diversion and Inclusion in Art Criticism, October 7, 2021, org. Shine on Critique and Nordcom

Visiting Elham Shafei’s Monstera in Conversation Podcast

Tyrus Miller’s review of my book On the Philosophy of Central European Art: The History of an Institution and its Global Competitors (2021) for ART Margins


Interview in Art Communication and Pop Culture by Martin Boszorad

Yle brand, visual image and logos | For media | About Yle | yle.fi
YLE 3.5.2018 Urheilun estetiikka (Sport Aesthetics), with Matti Tainio – by journalist Jarmo Laitaneva (in Finnish only)

Petteri Enroth and Matti Tuomela interviewed me and Sini Mononen for the podcast of the Finnish Critics Association (SARV) about Research and Critique (Tutkimus ja kritiikki). Only in Finnish!


Find here (above) Pavel Zharadka’s critique for the Central European Journal of Aesthetics on mine and Jozef Kovalcik’s (eds) book Aesthetics of Popular Culture

Minervan Pöllö 01/2010 by Minervan Pöllö - issuu
Interview in Minervan Pöllö 2010/1 by Vesa Korkkula

Giving a helping hand for Reed Johnson’s “War in all its awful beauty” article on aesthetics, politics, war and terrorism, for LA Times April 20, 2003


Anders Härm: mängumasin – väike vorkpalliessee

Božena Gudalevič: Kas bendro tarp „Naujojo Baltijos šokio‘14“ ir Suomijos ledo ritulio lygos?